So, where were we?

Don't worry, we're both not in coffins.

For starters, as a reminder, we have a (at the moment currently empty and DEAD) discord server. join

Anyhow, aside from the shameless discord plug there, not much has happened. Development has slowed (mostly cause we're working on something, no further elaboration needed) but don't worry, v1.1 is still coming around.

Here, I'll give you a quick list of what's in v1.1 at the current moment. (no screenshots unfortunately)


  • Fixed a couple of grammar mistakes. Yeah we're not perfect.
  • Fixed a Geneva Convention violation.
  • I'm still trying to figure out what causes the death handler not to run. Weird...
  • Added an assault rifle, because why not? Americans love guns, don't they? (Niko will get a funny nickname if they have an AR equipped)

... and that's it.. for now. at least. We'll try and aim for an early-to-mid September release.

I'm writing this at 4:00 a.m. I'm eepy. Goodnight, world.



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Glad to see an update! Excited for the future of the project, and good luck to all of you.